Monday, May 22, 2017

Rotating Your Makeup

If you are a makeup enthusiast (ahem-- hoarder) like me then you probably have had moments where you think to yourself, "how am I really going to use all this stuff up?!?!"  I think about that a lot, and then I think to myself that my makeup makes me happy, I get to put beautiful products on my face every day, and so, I will hoard the makeup if I please!

I have found a way that really works for me to rotate all my makeup in my morning time routine. I have a little vanity set up in my bathroom that stores all my makeup and that's where I sit in the mornings to get ready.  I have everything in drawers and some tabletop storage to keep everything (mostly) organized. It works for me, anyways.

So every week I like to sit down and pick out what makeup I want to wear for that week, and really try to stick with it.  This also really helps me to figure out what products work for me the best and which ones I can live without since I do wear them for the entire week.

What I basically do is go through every drawer and mentally do my makeup in my head.  What primer do I want to wear this week? What blush? What brow product? And so on. I set it all out on my vanity so that in the mornings those are the products I am looking at.  Trust me when I say that I am not a morning person and I have to do through every drawer every morning to pick out makeup it would take me 3 hours.  And girl, I like to sleep as late as possible in the mornings!!

This cuts down on so much time for me in the mornings while allowing me to utilize all the makeup I have. I learn which foundations look best with which primers. I learn what really lasts all day on my face during my 9+ hour work day.  If I were better, I wouldn't have 6 different foundations open at a time, but I do. And I needed to find a way to make sure that I used them all before they expired.  The only thing worse than some of the price tags on makeup is letting them go to waste because you forgot to use it up!

Let us know in the comments down below if you have any tips or tricks to rotating your makeup collect! Or if you have the willpower to use up all of one thing before opening another!? I'm curious as to what you do!

Goodnight my lovies, thank you SO much for stopping by!

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