Monday, January 9, 2017

Product Review!

Wet n' Wild Liquid Catsuit Liquid Matte Lipstick

As soon as I saw this product was coming out, I had to get my hands on it. My sister insisted I should just go on to the website and order every single color, the lipstick hoarder in my wanted to do just that, but the more reasonable me said not to.. I don't know why she has to come out sometimes! ;)

I went on a hunt for these *hopefully* beautiful lipsticks. And when I say hunt, I mean it! I went into a bunch of different drugstores, and FINALLY Walgreens had put the display out. I must have been late to the game, though because it was slim pickin's. I did manage to find two different shades that I thought would suit me. I stay away from any colors that have a lot of orange in them because orange and my lips do not get along. There is another color that I'd really like to get ahold of, and there may or may not be an order being placed very soon.

As soon as I got home, I swatched the colors, and holy crap, I was in love. It was love at first site! I immediately put on the color "Give me Mocha" and if it was possible, I feel deeper in love. It's such a nice combo of brown and red. It has enough brown to call it a "nude" color, and I'm sure on deeper skin tones than myself it would be a perfect nude shade, but it has enough red undertones in that it doesn't make me look washed out. I wore it for about 5 hours at home, eating and drinking, and nothing transferred off. It also never got crumbly or flaky. Honestly, I forgot I even had it on until my fiance told me my lipstick still looked good after a couple of hours. It was so comfortable on my lips that I literally forgot I was even wearing it!

So, naturally, the next day for work I had to try out the other color. And naturally, I had to plan my outfit and the rest of my makeup around this color. Berry Recognize went on just as smoothly as Give Me Mocha and also performed just as well. I wore it for 5 hours before lunch and never had any problems with fading or flaking. I did have a little residue on my coffee cup, but nothing to fuss over.

These Liquid Catsuit Matte Lipsticks, in my opinion, are worth every bit of the $5.99 I paid for them.  I really think that Wet n' Wild hit it out of the ballpark for a drugstore liquid lipstick. I will say that I didn't like the formula of their metallic lipsticks, but these are completely different. If you were ever on the fence about getting these, I say RUN, DO NOT walk to the drugstore and grab whatever colors you can! They are going to be in steady rotation for me!

If you have tried these, let a comment down below and let me know what you thought of them! What is your favorite color? Mine out of the two is Give Me Mocha!

Goodnight my lovies, thank you SO much for stopping by!

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